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Cork Tiles

The Cork Tiles concept aims to provide the opportunity to craft an acoustic wall with genuine presence and depth.

Each piece draws inspiration from the historical graphic and architectural exploration of bricks. The focus is on integrating architectural rhythm and symmetry with entirely natural, sustainable elements, creating a connection between indoor and outdoor spaces.THINK has always maintained a strong commitment to environmental sustainability, aspiring to introduce something revolutionary to the realm of interior design.

Unbeknownst to us, our dream materialised with the introduction of our innovative product: cork wall tiles.

We believe that the world is ready for a transformative shift, embracing more sustainable and eco-friendly options in interior design. Fascinated by cork as a natural and renewable material, we recognised its untapped potential.

Our products not only exhibited aesthetic beauty but also provide tangible benefits to users. Efforts are focused on ensuring the tiles are easy to install, customisable to accommodate various design preferences, and, crucially, environmentally friendly.

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Dean Walker

Acoustic Lead